Time-trends and predictors of interhospital transfers and 30-day rehospitalizations after acute coronary syndrome from 2000-2015

Autores da FMUP
Participantes de fora da FMUP
- Rocha, JA
- Allison, TG
Unidades de investigação
Aims Assess trends and factors associated with interhospital transfers (IHT) and 30-day acute coronary syndrome (ACS) rehospitalizations in a national administrative database of patients admitted with an ACS between 2000-2015. Methods and results Cohort study of patients hospitalized with ACS from 2000 to 2015, using a validated linkage algorithm to identify and link patient-level sequential hospitalizations occurring within 30 days from first admission (considering all hospitalizations within the 30-day timeframe as belonging to the same ACS episode of care-ACS-EC). From 212,481 ACS-EC, 42,670 (20.1%) had more than one hospitalization. ACS-EC hospitalization rates decreased throughout the study period (2000: 207.7/100.000 person-years to 2015: 185,8/100,000 person-years, p for trend <0.05). Proportion of IHT increased from 10.5% in 2000 to 20.1% in 2015 compared to a reduction in both planned and unplanned 30-day ACS rehospitalization from 9.0% in 2000 to 2.7% in 2015. After adjusting for patient and first admission hospital's characteristics, compared to 2000-2003, in 2012-2015 the odds of IHT increased by 3.81 (95%CI: 3.65-3.98); the odds of unplanned and planned 30-day ACS rehospitalization decreased by 0.36 (95%CI: 0.33; 0.39) and 0.47 (95%CI: 0.43; 0.53), respectively. Female sex, older age and the presence and severity of comorbidities were associated with lower likelihood of being transferred or having a planned 30-day ACS rehospitalization. Unplanned 30-day ACS rehospitalization was more likely in patients with higher comorbidity burden. Conclusion IHT and 30-day ACS rehospitalization reflect coronary referral network efficiency and access to specialized treatment. Identifying factors associated with higher likelihood of IHT and 30-day ACS rehospitalization may allow heightened surveillance and interventions to reduce rehospitalizations and inequities in access to specialized treatment.
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Citar a publicação
Rocha JA,Cardoso JC,Freitas A,Allison TG,Azevedo L. Time-trends and predictors of interhospital transfers and 30-day rehospitalizations after acute coronary syndrome from 2000-2015. PLoS ONE. 2021. 16. (7):e0255134. IF:3,752. (2).