COVID-19 symptoms at hospital admission vary with age and sex: results from the ISARIC prospective multinational observational study

Autores da FMUP
Participantes de fora da FMUP
- Khan, C
- Khan, I
- Kho, ME
- Khoo, S
- Kida, Y
- Kiiza, P
- Kildal, AB
- Kimmoun, A
- Kindgen-Milles, D
- Kitamura, N
- Klenerman, P
- Bekken, GK
- Knight, S
- Kobbe, R
- Vasconcelos, MK
- Korten, V
- Kosgei, C
- Krawczyk, K
- Vecham, PK
- Kumar, D
- Kurtzman, E
- Kutsogiannis, D
- Kyriakoulis, K
- L?her, E
- Lachatre, M
- Lacoste, M
- Laffey, JG
- Lagrange, M
- Laine, F
- Lambert, M
- Lamontagne, F
- Langelot-Richard, M
- Lantang, EY
- Lanza, M
- Laou?nan, C
- Laribi, S
- Lariviere, D
- Launay, O
- Lavie-Badie, Y
- Law, A
- Le Bihan, C
- Le Bris, C
- Le Coustumier, E
- Le Falher, G
- Le Gac, S
- Le Hingrat, Q
- Le Mar?chal, M
- Le Mestre, S
- Le Moing, V
- Le Nagard, H
- Le Turnier, P
- Le?n, R
- Le, M
- Santos, ML
- Leal, E
- Lee, J
- Lee, SH
- Lee, T
- Leeming, G
- Lefebvre, B
- Lefebvre, L
- Lefevre, B
- Lellouche, F
- Lemaignen, A
- Lemee, V
- Lemmink, G
- Leone, M
- Lepiller, Q
- Lescure, F
- Lesens, O
- Lesouhaitier, M
- Levy-Marchal, C
- Levy, B
- Levy, Y
- Bassi, GL
- Liang, J
- Lim, WS
- Lina, B
- Lind, A
- Lingas, G
- Lion-Daolio, S
- Liu, K
- Loforte, A
- Lolong, N
- Lopes, D
- Lopez-Colon, D
- Loubet, P
- Lucet, JC
- Luna, CM
- Lungu, O
- Luong, L
- Luton, D
- Lyons, R
- M?ller, F
- M?ller, KE
- Maasikas, O
- Macdonald, S
- Machado, M
- Macheda, G
- Sanchez, JM
- Madhok, J
- Mahieu, R
- Mahy, S
- Maier, LS
- Maillet, M
- Maitre, T
- Malfertheiner, M
- Malik, N
- Maltez, F
- Malvy, D
- Mambert, M
- Manda, V
- Mandei, JM
- Manning, E
- Manuel, A
- Sant, CM
- Malaque, A
- Marino, F
- De Ara?jo Mariz, C
- Eid, CM
- Marques, A
- Marquis, C
- Marsh, B
- Marsh, L
- Marshall, J
- Martelli, CT
- Martin-Blondel, G
- Martin-Loeches, I
- Martin-Quiros, A
- Martin, D
- Martin, E
- Martinot, M
- Rego, CM
- Martins, A
- Martins, J
- Martucci, G
- Marwali, EM
- Jimenez, JFM
- Maslove, D
- Mason, S
- Matan, M
- Mathieu, D
- Mattei, M
- Matulevics, R
- Maulin, L
- Mc Evoy, N
- McCarthy, A
- McCloskey, C
- McConnochie, R
- McDermott, S
- McDonald, S
- McElwee, S
- McEvoy, N
- McGeer, A
- McGuinness, N
- McLean, KA
- McNicholas, B
- Meaney, E
- Mear-Passard, C
- Mechlin, M
- Mele, F
- Menon, K
- Mentr?, F
- Mentzer, AJ
- Mercier, N
- Merckx, A
- Mergler, B
- Merson, L
- Mesquita, A
- Meybeck, A
- Meynert, AM
- Meyssonnier, V
- Meziane, A
- Mezidi, M
- Michelanglei, C
- Mihnovit?, V
- Maldonado, HM
- Mone, M
- Moin, A
- Molina, D
- Molinos, E
- Monteiro, A
- Montes, C
- Montrucchio, G
- Moore, S
- Moore, SC
- Morales-Cely, L
- Moro, L
- Tutillo, DRM
- Motos, A
- Mouquet, H
- Perrot, CM
- Moyet, J
- Mullaert, J
- Munblit, D
- Murphy, D
- Murris, M
- Myrodia, DM
- N?guyen, Y
- Neant, N
- Neb, H
- Nekliudov, NA
- Neumann, E
- Neves, B
- Ng, PY
- Ng, WY
- Choileain, ON
- Nichol, A
- Nonas, S
- Noret, M
- Norman, L
- Notari, A
- Noursadeghi, M
- Nowicka, K
- Nseir, S
- Nunez, JI
- Nyamankolly, E
- O?Donnell, M
- O?Hearn, K
- O?Neil, C
- Occhipinti, G
- Ogston, T
- Ogura, T
- Oh, T
- Ohshimo, S
- Oinam, BCS
- Oliveira, AP
- Oliveira, J
- Olliaro, P
- Ong, DSY
- Oosthuyzen, W
- Openshaw, PJM
- Orozco-Chamorro, CM
- Orquera, A
- Osatnik, J
- Ouamara, N
- Ouissa, R
- Owyang, C
- Oziol, E
- P?voas, D
- Pagadoy, M
- Pages, J
- Palacios, M
- Palmarini, M
- Panarello, G
- Panda, PK
- Panigada, M
- Pansu, N
- Papadopoulos, A
- Parra, B
- Pasquier, J
- Patauner, F
- Patr?o, L
- Paul, C
- Paul, M
- Paulos, J
- Paxton, WA
- Payen, J
- Pearse, I
- Peek, GJ
- Peelman, F
- Peiffer-Smadja, N
- Peigne, V
- Pejkovska, M
- Peltan, ID
- Pereira, R
- Perez, D
- Perpoint, T
- Pesenti, A
- Petrou?ov?, L
- Petrov-Sanchez, V
- Peytavin, G
- Pharand, S
- Piagnerelli, M
- Picard, W
- Picone, O
- Piel-Julian, M
- Pierobon, C
- Pimentel, C
- Piroth, L
- Pius, R
- Piva, S
- Plantier, L
- Plotkin, D
- Poissy, J
- Pokorska-Spiewak, M
- Poli, S
- Pollakis, G
- Popielska, J
- Postma, DF
- Povoa, P
- Powis, J
- Prapa, S
- Prebensen, C
- Preiser, J
- Prestre, V
- Price, N
- Prinssen, A
- Pritchard, MG
- Proen?a, L
- Pu?chal, O
- Purcell, G
- Quesada, L
- Quist-Paulsen, E
- Quraishi, M
- R?tsep, I
- R?ssler, B
- Rabaud, C
- Rafiq, M
- Ragazzo, G
- Rainieri, F
- Ramakrishnan, N
- Ramanathan, K
- Rammaert, B
- Rapp, C
- Rasmin, M
- Rau, C
- Rebaudet, S
- Redl, S
- Reeve, B
- Reid, L
- Remppis, J
- Remy, M
- Renk, H
- Resende, L
- Resseguier, A
- Revest, M
- Rewa, O
- Reyes, LF
- Richardson, D
- Richier, L
- Riera, J
- Rios, AL
- Rishu, A
- Rispal, P
- Risso, K
- Nu?ez, MAR
- Rizer, N
- Roberto, A
- Roberts, S
- Robertson, DL
- Robineau, O
- Roche-Campo, F
- Rodari, P
- Rodeia, S
- Abreu, JR
- Roilides, E
- Rojek, A
- Romaru, J
- Roriz, M
- Rosa-Calatrava, M
- Rose, M
- Rosenberger, D
- Rossanese, A
- Rossignol, B
- Rossignol, P
- Roy, C
- Roze, B
- Russell, CD
- Ryckaert, S
- Holten, AR
- Choez, XS
- Saba, I
- Sadat, M
- Saidani, N
- Salazar, L
- Sales, G
- Sallaberry, S
- Salvator, H
- Sanchez-Miralles, A
- Sanchez, O
- Sancho-Shimizu, V
- Sandhu, G
- Sandulescu, O
- Santos, M
- Sarfo-Mensah, S
- Sarton, B
- Saviciute, E
- Savvidou, P
- Scarsbrook, J
- Schermer, T
- Scherpereel, A
- Schneider, M
- Schroll, S
- Schwameis, M
- Scott-Brown, J
- Scott, JT
- Sedillot, N
- Seitz, T
- Semaille, C
- Semple, MG
- Senneville, E
- Sequeira, F
- Sequeira, T
- Shadowitz, E
- Shamsah, M
- Sharma, P
- Shaw, CA
- Shaw, V
- Shiban, N
- Shime, N
- Shimizu, H
- Abdukahil, SA
- Abe, R
- Abel, L
- Absil, L
- Acker, A
- Adachi, S
- Adam, E
- Adri?o, D
- Ainscough, K
- Hssain, AA
- Tamlihat, YA
- Akimoto, T
- Al-Dabbous, T
- Al-Fares, A
- Al Qasim, E
- Alalqam, R
- Alex, B
- Alexandre, K
- Alfoudri, H
- Alidjnou, KE
- Aliudin, J
- Allavena, C
- Allou, N
- Alves, J
- Alves, R
- Amaral, M
- Ammerlaan, H
- Ampaw, P
- Andini, R
- Andrejak, C
- Angheben, A
- Angoulvant, F
- Ansart, S
- Antonelli, M
- Shimizu, K
- Shrapnel, S
- Shum, HP
- Mohammed, NS
- Sigfrid, L
- Silva, C
- Sin, WC
- Skogen, V
- Smith, S
- Smood, B
- Smyth, M
- Snacken, M
- So, D
- Solis, M
- Solomon, J
- Solomon, T
- Somers, E
- Sommet, A
- Song, MJ
- Song, R
- Song, T
- Sonntagbauer, M
- Soum, E
- Uva, MS
- Sousa, M
- Souza-Dantas, V
- Sperry, A
- Sriskandan, S
- Staudinger, T
- Stecher, S
- Stienstra, Y
- Stiksrud, B
- Streinu-Cercel, A
- Strudwick, S
- Stuart, A
- Stuart, D
- Sultana, A
- Summers, C
- Svistunov, MSAA
- Syrigos, K
- Sztajnbok, J
- Szuldrzynski, K
- T?oul?, F
- Tabrizi, S
- Tagherset, L
- Talarek, E
- Taleb, S
- Talsma, J
- Le Van, T
- Tanaka, H
- Tanaka, T
- Taniguchi, H
- Tardivon, C
- Tattevin, P
- Taufik, MA
- Tedder, RS
- Tellier, M
- Terpstra, P
- Terrier, O
- Terzi, N
- Tessier-Grenier, H
- Thibault, V
- Thiberville, S
- Thill, B
- Thompson, AAR
- Thompson, S
- Thomson, D
- Thomson, EC
- Thuy, DB
- Thwaites, RS
- Timashev, PS
- Timsit, J
- Vijayaraghavan, BKT
- Toki, M
- Tonby, K
- Santos-Olmo, RMT
- Torres, A
- Torres, M
- Trioux, T
- Trieu, HT
- Tromeur, C
- Trontzas, I
- Troost, J
- Trouillon, T
- Tual, C
- Tubiana, S
- Tuite, H
- Turtle, LCW
- Twardowski, P
- Uchiyama, M
- Ullrich, R
- Uribe, A
- Usman, A
- Val-Flores, L
- Van De Velde, S
- Van Den Berge, M
- Van Der Feltz, M
- Van Der Vekens, N
- Van Der Voort, P
- Van Der Werf, S
- Van Dyk, M
- Van Gulik, L
- Van Hattem, J
- Van Lelyveld, S
- Van Netten, C
- Vanel, N
- Vanoverschelde, H
- Vauchy, C
- Veislinger, A
- Velazco, J
- Ventura, S
- Verbon, A
- Vieira, C
- Villanueva, JA
- Villar, J
- Villeneuve, P
- Villoldo, A
- Van Vinh Chau, N
- Visseaux, B
- Visser, H
- Vuorinen, A
- Vuotto, F
- Wang, C
- Wei, J
- Weil, K
- Wesselius, S
- Wham, M
- Whelan, B
- White, N
- Wiedemann, A
- Wille, K
- Wils, E
- Xynogalas, I
- Suen, JY
- Yacoub, S
- Yamazaki, M
- Yazdanpanah, Y
- Yelnik, C
- Yerkovich, S
- Yokoyama, T
- Yonis, H
- Young, P
- Yuliarto, S
- Zabbe, M
- Zacharowski, K
- Zahran, M
- Zambon, M
- Zanella, A
- Zawadka, K
- Zayyad, H
- Zoufaly, A
- Zucman, D
- De Brito, CAA
- Arabi, Y
- Aragao, I
- Arcadipane, A
- Arenz, L
- Arlet, J
- Arnold-Day, C
- Arora, L
- Artaud-Macari, E
- Asensio, A
- Assie, JB
- Atique, A
- Auchabie, J
- Aumaitre, H
- Azemar, L
- Azoulay, C
- Bach, B
- Bachelet, D
- Baillie, JK
- Bak, E
- Bakakos, A
- Banisadr, F
- Barbalho, R
- Barclay, WS
- Barnikel, M
- Barrelet, A
- Barrigoto, C
- Basmaci, R
- Rincon, DFB
- Bedossa, A
- Behilill, S
- Beljantsev, A
- Bellemare, D
- Beltrame, A
- Beluze, M
- Benech, N
- Benkerrou, D
- Bennett, S
- Bento, L
- Berdal, J
- Bergeaud, D
- Bertolino, L
- Bessis, S
- Bevilcaqua, S
- Bhavsar, K
- Humaid, FB
- Bissuel, F
- Biston, P
- Bitker, L
- Blanco-Schweizer, P
- Blot, M
- Boccia, F
- Bogaert, D
- Bompart, F
- Booth, G
- Borges, D
- Borie, R
- Bos, J
- Bosse, HM
- Botelho-Nevers, E
- Bouadma, L
- Bouchaud, O
- Bouchez, S
- Bouhmani, D
- Bouhour, D
- Bouiller, K
- Bouillet, L
- Bouisse, C
- Boureau, A
- Bouscambert, M
- Bouziotis, J
- Boxma, B
- Boyer-Besseyre, M
- Boylan, M
- Braga, C
- Brandenburger, T
- Brazzi, L
- Breen, D
- Breen, P
- Brickell, K
- Brozzi, N
- Buchtele, N
- Buesaquillo, C
- Bugaeva, P
- Buisson, M
- Burhan, E
- Bustos, IG
- Butnaru, D
- C?rcel, S
- Cabie, A
- Cabral, S
- Caceres, E
- Callahan, M
- Calligy, K
- Calvache, JA
- Cam?es, J
- Campana, V
- Campbell, P
- Canepa, C
- Cantero, M
- Caraux-Paz, P
- Cardoso, F
- Cardoso, S
- Carelli, S
- Carlier, N
- Carney, G
- Carpenter, C
- Carret, M
- Carrier, FM
- Carson, G
- Casanova, M
- Casc?o, M
- Casimiro, J
- Cassandra, B
- Casta?eda, S
- Castanheira, N
- Castor-Alexandre, G
- Castrill?n, H
- Castro, I
- Catarino, A
- Catherine, F
- Cavalin, R
- Cavalli, GG
- Cavayas, A
- Ceccato, A
- Cervantes-Gonzalez, M
- Chair, A
- Chakveatze, C
- Chan, A
- Chand, M
- Chas, J
- Chassin, C
- Chen, A
- Chen, Y
- Cheng, MP
- Cheret, A
- Chiarabini, T
- Chica, J
- Chirouze, C
- Chiumello, D
- Cho, HJ
- Cho, SM
- Cholley, B
- Cidade, JP
- Herreros, JMC
- Citarella, BW
- Ciullo, A
- Clarke, J
- Clohisey, S
- Codan, C
- Cody, C
- Colin, G
- Collins, M
- Colombo, SM
- Combs, P
- Connelly, JP
- Connor, M
- Conrad, A
- Contreras, S
- Cooke, GS
- Copland, M
- Cordel, H
- Corley, A
- Cormican, S
- Cornelis, S
- Corpuz, AJ
- Corvaisier, G
- Couffignal, C
- Couffin-Cadiergues, S
- Courtois, R
- D?Orleans, CC
- Croonen, S
- Crowl, G
- Crump, J
- Cruz, C
- Csete, M
- Cucino, A
- Cullen, C
- Cummings, M
- Curley, G
- Curlier, E
- Custodio, P
- D?Aragon, F
- Da Silva Filipe, A
- Da Silveira, C
- D?Ortenzio, E
- Dabaliz, A
- Dagens, AB
- Dalton, H
- Dalton, J
- Daneman, N
- Dankwa, EA
- Dantas, J
- De Castro, N
- De Mendoza, D
- De Oliveira Fran?a, RF
- De Rosa, R
- De Silva, T
- De Vries, P
- Dean, D
- Debray, M
- Dechert, W
- Deconninck, L
- Decours, R
- Delacroix, I
- Delavigne, K
- Deligiannis, I
- Dell?amore, A
- Delobel, P
- Demonchy, E
- Denis, E
- Deplanque, D
- Depuydt, P
- Desai, M
- Descamps, D
- Desvall?e, M
- Dewayanti, SR
- Diallo, A
- Diamantis, S
- Dias, A
- Diaz, JJD
- Diaz, R
- Didier, K
- Diehl, J
- Dieperink, W
- Dimet, J
- Dinot, V
- Diouf, A
- Dishon, Y
- Djossou, F
- Docherty, AB
- Dong, A
- Donnelly, CA
- Donnelly, M
- Donohue, C
- Dorival, C
- Douglas, JJ
- Douma, R
- Dournon, N
- Downer, T
- Downing, M
- Drake, T
- Dubee, V
- Dubos, F
- Ducancelle, A
- Dudman, S
- Dunning, J
- Mangoni, ED
- Duranti, S
- Durham, L
- Dussol, B
- Duval, X
- Dyrhol-Riise, AM
- Eira, C
- Vidal, JE
- Sanharawi, ME
- Elapavaluru, S
- Elharrar, B
- Elkheir, N
- Ellerbroek, J
- Ellis, R
- Eloy, P
- Elshazly, T
- Enderle, I
- Engelmann, I
- Enouf, V
- Epaulard, O
- Esperatti, M
- Esperou, H
- Esposito-Farese, M
- Estev?o, J
- Etienne, M
- Ettalhaoui, N
- Everding, AG
- Evers, M
- Fabre, I
- Faheem, A
- Fahy, A
- Fairfield, CJ
- Faria, P
- Farshait, N
- Fatoni, AZ
- Faure, K
- Fayed, M
- Feely, N
- Fernandes, J
- Fernandes, M
- Ferr?o, J
- Devouge, EF
- Ferraz, M
- Ferreira, B
- Ferrer-Roca, R
- Figueiredo-Mello, C
- Flateau, C
- Fletcher, T
- Florio, LL
- Foley, C
- Fomin, V
- Fonseca, CD
- Fonseca, T
- Fontela, P
- Forsyth, S
- Foti, G
- Fourn, E
- Fowler, R
- Franch-Llasat, D
- Fraser, C
- Fraser, J
- Freire, MV
- Ribeiro, AF
- Friedrich, C
- Fry, S
- Fuentes, N
- Fukuda, M
- G?mez-Junyent, J
- Gaborieau, V
- Gachet, B
- Gaci, R
- Gagliardi, M
- Gagnard, J
- Gagneux-Brunon, A
- Gallagher, P
- Curto, EG
- Gamble, C
- Garan, A
- Garcia-Gallo, E
- Garcia, R
- Garot, D
- Garrait, V
- Gault, N
- Gavin, A
- Gaymard, A
- Gebauer, J
- Morlaes, LG
- Germano, N
- Ghosn, J
- Giani, M
- Giaquinto, C
- Gibson, J
- Gigante, T
- Gilg, M
- Giordano, G
- Girvan, M
- Gissot, V
- Giwangkancana, G
- Glikman, D
- Glybochko, P
- Gnall, E
- Goco, G
- Goehringer, F
- Goepel, S
- Goffard, J
- Golob, J
- Gorenne, I
- Goujard, C
- Goulenok, T
- Grable, M
- Grandin, EW
- Granier, P
- Grasselli, G
- Green, CA
- Greenhalf, W
- Greffe, S
- Grieco, DL
- Griffee, M
- Griffiths, F
- Grigoras, I
- Groenendijk, A
- Lordemann, AG
- Gruner, H
- Gu, Y
- Guedj, J
- Guellec, D
- Guerguerian, A
- Guerreiro, D
- Guery, R
- Guillaumot, A
- Guilleminault, L
- Guimard, T
- Haber, D
- Hakak, S
- Hall, M
- Halpin, S
- Hamer, A
- Hamidfar, R
- Hammond, T
- Hardwick, H
- Harley, K
- Harrison, EM
- Harrison, J
- Hays, L
- Heerman, J
- Heggelund, L
- Hendry, R
- Hennessy, M
- Henriquez-Trujillo, A
- Hentzien, M
- Hernandez-Montfort, J
- Hidayah, A
- Higgins, D
- Higgins, E
- Hinton, S
- Hip?lito-Reis, A
- Hiraiwa, H
- Hiscox, JA
- Ho, AYW
- Hoctin, A
- Hoffmann, I
- Hoiting, O
- Holt, R
- Holter, JC
- Horby, P
- Horcajada, JP
- Hoshino, K
- Hough, CL
- Hsu, JM
- Hulot, J
- Ijaz, S
- Illes, H
- In?cio, H
- Dominguez, CI
- Iosifidis, E
- Irvine, L
- Isgett, S
- Isidoro, T
- Isnard, M
- Itai, J
- Ivulich, D
- Jaafoura, S
- Jabot, J
- Jackson, C
- Jamieson, N
- Jaureguiberry, S
- Javidfar, J
- Jean-Beno?t, Z
- Jego, F
- Jenum, S
- Sotomayor, RJ
- Garc?a, RNJ
- Joseph, C
- Joseph, M
- Jouvet, P
- Jung, H
- Kafif, O
- Kaguelidou, F
- Kali, S
- Kalomoiri, S
- Kandamby, DH
- Kandel, C
- Kant, R
- Kartsonaki, C
- Kasugai, D
- Katz, K
- Johal, SK
- Keating, S
- Kelly, A
- Kelly, S
- Kennedy, L
- Kennon, K
- Kerroumi, Y
- Kestelyn, E
- Khalid, I
- Khalil, A
Unidades de investigação
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:sec> <jats:title>Background</jats:title> <jats:p>The ISARIC prospective multinational observational study is the largest cohort of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. We present relationships of age, sex, and nationality to presenting symptoms.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Methods</jats:title> <jats:p>International, prospective observational study of 60?109 hospitalized symptomatic patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 recruited from 43 countries between 30 January and 3 August 2020. Logistic regression was performed to evaluate relationships of age and sex to published COVID-19 case definitions and the most commonly reported symptoms.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Results</jats:title> <jats:p>Typical? symptoms of fever (69%), cough (68%) and shortness of breath (66%) were the most commonly reported. 92% of patients experienced at least one of these. Prevalence of typical symptoms was greatest in 30- to 60-year-olds (respectively 80, 79, 69%; at least one 95%). They were reported less frequently in children (??18?years: 69, 48, 23; 85%), older adults (??70?years: 61, 62, 65; 90%), and women (66, 66, 64; 90%; vs. men 71, 70, 67; 93%, each <jats:italic>P</jats:italic>?<?0.001). The most common atypical presentations under 60?years of age were nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain, and over 60?years was confusion. Regression models showed significant differences in symptoms with sex, age and country.</jats:p> </jats:sec><jats:sec> <jats:title>Interpretation</jats:title> <jats:p>This international collaboration has allowed us to report reliable symptom data from the largest cohort of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19. Adults over 60 and children admitted to hospital with COVID-19 are less likely to present with typical symptoms. Nausea and vomiting are common atypical presentations under 30?years. Confusion is a frequent atypical presentation of COVID-19 in adults over 60?years. Women are less likely to experience typical symptoms than men.</jats:p> </jats:sec>
Dados da publicação
- 0300-8126, 1439-0973
- Tipo:
- Article
- Páginas:
- 889-905
- Link para outro recurso:
Infection Urban und Vogel
Citações Recebidas na Web of Science: 61
Citações Recebidas na Scopus: 55
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Filiações não disponíveis
- Aged; Child; COVID-19; Female; Hospitalization; Hospitals; Humans; Male; Middle Aged; Prospective Studies; SARS-CoV-2; abdominal pain; adolescent; adult; age; aged; anorexia; Article; bleeding; child; cohort analysis; confusion; conjunctivitis; controlled study; coronavirus disease 2019; coughing; dehydration; diarrhea; disease severity; dyspnea; fatigue; female; fever; headache; hospital admission; human; lymphadenopathy; major clinical study; male; multicenter study; myalgia; nausea and vomiting; observational study; otalgia; prevalence; prospective study; rash; rhinorrhea; seizure; Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; sex; smelling disorder; sore throat; thorax disease; thorax pain; walking difficulty; wheezing; case report; hospital; hospitalization; middle aged
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F,Tabrizi S,Tagherset L,Talarek E,Taleb S,Talsma J,Le T,Tanaka H,Tanaka T,Taniguchi H,Tardivon C,Tattevin P,Taufik MA,Tedder RS,Teixeira J,Tellier M,Terpstra P,Terrier O,Terzi N,Tessier H,Thibault V,Thiberville S,Thill B,Thompson A,Thompson S,Thomson D,Thomson EC,Thuy DB,Thwaites RS,Timashev PS,Timsit J,Vijayaraghavan BKT,Toki M,Tonby K,Santos RMT,Torres A,Torres M,Trioux T,Trieu HT,Tromeur C,Trontzas I,Troost J,Trouillon T,Tual C,Tubiana S,Tuite H,Turtle LCW,Twardowski P,Uchiyama M,Ullrich R,Uribe A,Usman A,Val L,Van De Velde S,Van Den Berge M,Van Der Feltz M,Van Der Vekens N,Van Der Voort P,Van Der Werf S,Van M,Van L,Van J,Van S,Van C,Vanel N,Vanoverschelde H,Vauchy C,Veislinger A,Velazco J,Ventura S,Verbon A,Vieira C,Villanueva JA,Villar J,Villeneuve P,Villoldo A,Van Vinh Chau N,Visseaux B,Visser H,Vuorinen A,Vuotto F,Wang C,Wei J,Weil K,Wesselius S,Wham M,Whelan B,White N,Wiedemann A,Wille K,Wils E,Xynogalas I,Suen JY,Yacoub S,Yamazaki M,Yazdanpanah Y,Yelnik C,Yerkovich S,Yokoyama 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S,Cabie A,Cabral S,Caceres E,Callahan M,Calligy K,Calvache JA,Cam?es J,Campana V,Campbell P,Canepa C,Cantero M,Caraux P,Cardoso F,Cardoso S,Carelli S,Carlier N,Carney G,Carpenter C,Carret M,Carrier FM,Carson G,Casanova M,Casc?o M,Casimiro J,Cassandra B,Casta?eda S,Castanheira N,Castor G,Castrill?n H,Castro I,Catarino A,Catherine F,Cavalin R,Cavalli GG,Cavayas A,Ceccato A,Cervantes M,Chair A,Chakveatze C,Chan A,Chand M,Chas J,Chassin C,Chen A,Chen Y,Cheng MP,Cheret A,Chiarabini T,Chica J,Chirouze C,Chiumello D,Cho HJ,Cho SM,Cholley B,Cidade JP,Herreros JMC,Citarella BW,Ciullo A,Clarke J,Clohisey S,Codan C,Cody C,Coelho A,Colin G,Collins M,Colombo SM,Combs P,Connelly JP,Connor M,Conrad A,Contreras S,Cooke GS,Copland M,Cordel H,Corley A,Cormican S,Cornelis S,Corpuz AJ,Corvaisier G,Couffignal C,Couffin S,Courtois R,D?Orleans CC,Croonen S,Crowl G,Crump J,Cruz C,Csete M,Cucino A,Cullen C,Cummings M,Curley G,Curlier E,Custodio P,D?Aragon F,Da Silva Filipe A,Da C,D?Ortenzio E,Dabaliz A,Dagens AB,Dalton H,Dalton J,Daneman N,Dankwa EA,Dantas J,De Castro N,De Mendoza D,De Oliveira RF,De Rosa R,De Silva T,De Vries P,Dean D,Debray M,Dechert W,Deconninck L,Decours R,Delacroix I,Delavigne K,Deligiannis I,Dell?amore A,Delobel P,Demonchy E,Denis E,Deplanque D,Depuydt P,Desai M,Descamps D,Desvall?e M,Dewayanti SR,Diallo A,Diamantis S,Dias A,Diaz JJD,Diaz R,Didier K,Diehl J,Dieperink W,Dimet J,Dinot V,Diouf A,Dishon Y,Djossou F,Docherty AB,Dong A,Donnelly CA,Donnelly M,Donohue C,Dorival C,Douglas JJ,Douma R,Dournon N,Downer T,Downing M,Drake T,Dubee V,Dubos F,Ducancelle A,Dudman S,Dunning J,Mangoni ED,Duranti S,Durham L,Dussol B,Duval X,Dyrhol AM,Eira C,Vidal JE,Sanharawi ME,Elapavaluru S,Elharrar B,Elkheir N,Ellerbroek J,Ellis R,Eloy P,Elshazly T,Enderle I,Engelmann I,Enouf V,Epaulard O,Esperatti M,Esperou H,Esposito M,Estev?o J,Etienne M,Ettalhaoui N,Everding AG,Evers M,Fabre I,Faheem A,Fahy A,Fairfield CJ,Faria P,Farshait N,Fatoni AZ,Faure K,Fayed M,Feely N,Fernandes J,Fernandes M,Fernandes S,Ferr?o J,Devouge EF,Ferraz M,Ferreira B,Ferrer R,Figueiredo C,Flateau C,Fletcher T,Florio LL,Foley C,Fomin V,Fonseca CD,Fonseca T,Fontela P,Forsyth S,Foti G,Fourn E,Fowler R,Franch D,Fraser C,Fraser J,Freire MV,Ribeiro AF,Friedrich C,Fry S,Fuentes N,Fukuda M,G?mez J,Gaborieau V,Gachet B,Gaci R,Gagliardi M,Gagnard J,Gagneux A,Gai?o S,Gallagher P,Curto EG,Gamble C,Garan A,Garcia E,Garcia R,Garot D,Garrait V,Gault N,Gavin A,Gaymard A,Gebauer J,Morlaes LG,Germano N,Ghosn J,Giani M,Giaquinto C,Gibson J,Gigante T,Gilg M,Giordano G,Girvan M,Gissot V,Giwangkancana G,Glikman D,Glybochko P,Gnall E,Goco G,Goehringer F,Goepel S,Goffard J,Golob J,Gorenne I,Goujard C,Goulenok T,Grable M,Grandin EW,Granier P,Grasselli G,Green CA,Greenhalf W,Greffe S,Grieco DL,Griffee M,Griffiths F,Grigoras I,Groenendijk A,Lordemann AG,Gruner H,Gu Y,Guedj J,Guellec D,Guerguerian A,Guerreiro D,Guery R,Guillaumot A,Guilleminault L,Guimard T,Haber D,Hakak S,Hall M,Halpin S,Hamer A,Hamidfar R,Hammond T,Hardwick H,Harley K,Harrison EM,Harrison J,Hays L,Heerman J,Heggelund L,Hendry R,Hennessy M,Henriquez A,Hentzien M,Hernandez J,Hidayah A,Higgins D,Higgins E,Hinton S,Hip?lito A,Hiraiwa H,Hiscox JA,Ho A,Hoctin A,Hoffmann I,Hoiting O,Holt R,Holter JC,Horby P,Horcajada JP,Hoshino K,Hough CL,Hsu JM,Hulot J,Ijaz S,Illes H,In?cio H,Dominguez CI,Iosifidis E,Irvine L,Isgett S,Isidoro T,Isnard M,Itai J,Ivulich D,Jaafoura S,Jabot J,Jackson C,Jamieson N,Jaureguiberry S,Javidfar J,Jean Z,Jego F,Jenum S,Sotomayor RJ,Garc?a RNJ,Joseph C,Joseph M,Jouvet P,Jung H,Kafif O,Kaguelidou F,Kali S,Kalomoiri S,Kandamby DH,Kandel C,Kant R,Kartsonaki C,Kasugai D,Katz K,Johal SK,Keating S,Kelly A,Kelly S,Kennedy L,Kennon K,Kerroumi Y,Kestelyn E,Khalid I,Khalil A. COVID-19 symptoms at hospital admission vary with age and sex: results from the ISARIC prospective multinational observational study. Infection. 2021. 49. (5):p. 889-905. IF:7,455. (1).