Communicating the diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy in endogamous vs. non-endogamous regions.

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Autores da FMUP

Participantes de fora da FMUP

  • Fernandes IAM
  • Menezes ROA

Unidades de investigação


INTRODUCTION: The high prevalence of endogamy, or inbreeding, in northeastern Brazil, is due to historical and cultural factors, with large families living in cities far from the coast and subject to low socioeconomic and infrastructure levels. This breeding practice results in low genetic variability with an increased prevalence of rare autosomal recessive and neurodegenerative diseases, such as spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). OBJECTIVE: Understanding the impact of communicating the diagnosis of SMA on the mental health of patients and their families and the differences between the Northeast (endogamous region) and the other regions of Brazil (non-endogamous ones). METHODS: Cross-sectional study obtained through a structured questionnaire about the moment of receiving the SMA diagnosis, containing the Impact of Event Scale-Revised. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The sample consisted of 100 volunteers from all regions of Brazil, 47 patients diagnosed with SMA and 53 family members present at the time of the diagnosis. There was a predominance of females (83%) and homogeneity between the groups for the variables gender, age, color, education, religion, and SMA subtype (1, 2, 3, and 4). The Northeast region, representing 43% of the sample, despite being less economically favored, showed greater satisfaction with medical care and inclusion in health services, with less self-reported psychological trauma and fewer signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to the moment of receiving the diagnosis. The non-endogamous regions, in turn, reported the presence of strong waves of emotion, sleep problems, feelings of irritability, anger, and the presence of bad thoughts related to this situation. CONCLUSION: The feeling of inclusion in health services and satisfaction with medical care in the endogamous region had a positive impact on the mental health of those involved, reducing psychological trauma and signs of PTSD arising from the communication of the SMA diagnosis.

© 2024. The Author(s).

Dados da publicação

1471-2377, 1471-2377

BMC Neurology  BioMed Central Ltd.

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  • Autonomy; Communicating the diagnosis; Endogamy; Spinal muscular atrophy

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