Digital flashcards and medical physiology performance: a dose-dependent effect

Autores da FMUP
Participantes de fora da FMUP
- Santos-Ferreira D.
- Guimarães B.
- Ladeiras-Lopes R.
- Gonçalves-Teixeira P.
- Diaz S.O.
- Ferreira P.
- Gonçalves F.
- Cardoso R.G.
- Ferreira M.A.
- Chaves P.C.
- Fontes-Carvalho R.
Unidades de investigação
Use of digital flashcards promotes active recall, spaced repetition, and self-assessment academic principles. This work explores the association and dose-dependent effect of this study method and locomotor (LP) and cardiovascular physiology (CP) grades. A single-faculty cohort study of medical LP and CP students was conducted, and 155 and 676 flashcards, respectively, were created through Moodle. An exploratory analysis examined three exam results (2019), and a confirmatory study used a fourth exam (2021) in another CP cohort. Of 685 students enrolled, 558 participated in the exploratory analysis: 319 (69%) for LP and 311 (84%) for CP, of which 203 LP and 267 CP students were flashcard users. Median grades were higher among flashcard users, and the number of cards reviewed was positively correlated with grades (r = 0.275 to 0.388 for LP and r = 0.239 to 0.432 for CP, P < 0.001). Multiple linear regression models confirmed a positive dose-dependent association between results and the number of flashcards studied: for every 100 LP cards reviewed, exam grades increased 0.44–0.75 on a 0–20 scale range (P < 0.001), and for every 1,000 CP flashcards, results raised 0.81–1.08 values (P < 0.05). These findings were confirmed in the 2021 CP cohort of 269 participants, of whom 67% were flashcard users. Digital flashcard revision has a consistent positive dose-dependent association on LP and CP grades. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Implementing flashcard-based strategies is a feasible way to promote active recall, spaced repetition, and self-assessment, and students are highly adherent to these initiatives. There is a positive dose-dependent association between the number of flashcards reviewed and physiology grades. These results are consistent across different physiology subjects, under different cohorts, over short and medium terms. © 2024 the American Physiological Society.
Dados da publicação
- 1043-4046, 1522-1229
- Tipo:
- Article
- Páginas:
- 80-87
- Link para outro recurso:
- Não há documentos
- adult; article; cardiovascular function; cohort analysis; controlled study; female; human; locomotion; major clinical study; male; multiple linear regression analysis; recall; self evaluation; spacing effect; surgery
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Citar a publicação
Santos D,Guimarães B,Ladeiras R,Gonçalves P,Diaz SO,Ferreira P,Gonçalves F,Cardoso RG,Ferreira MA,Chaves PC,Fontes R,Leite A. Digital flashcards and medical physiology performance: a dose-dependent effect. Adv. Physiol. Educ. 2024. 48. (1):p. 80-87. IF:2,100. (3).