Poor Rhinitis and Asthma Control Is Associated With Decreased Health-Related Quality of Life and Utilities: A MASK-air Study.

Data de publicação: Data Ahead of Print:

Autores da FMUP

  • Luís Filipe Ribeiro De Azevedo


  • João De Almeida Lopes Da Fonseca


  • Bernardo Manuel De Sousa Pinto


Participantes de fora da FMUP

  • Vieira RJ
  • Leemann L
  • Briggs A
  • Pereira AM
  • Savouré M
  • Kuna P
  • Morais-Almeida M
  • Bewick M
  • Louis R
  • Klimek L
  • Bahbah F
  • Samolinski B
  • Anto JM
  • Zuberbier T
  • Bousquet J
  • MASK-air Think Tank

Unidades de investigação


BACKGROUND: Allergic rhinitis (AR) and asthma may affect health-related quality of life. However, national estimates on the quality of life of patients with AR or asthma are lacking. OBJECTIVE: To provide estimates for utility scores and EuroQoL five-dimension (EQ-5D) visual analog scale (VAS) for patients with AR or asthma. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study using direct patient data from the MASK-air app on European MASK-air users with self-reported AR or asthma. We used a multi-attribute instrument (EQ-5D) to measure quality of life (as utility scores and EQ-5D VAS values). Mean scores were calculated per country and disease control level using multilevel regression models with poststratification, accounting for age and sex biases. RESULTS: We assessed data from 7905 MASK-air users reporting a total of up to 82,737 days. For AR, utilities ranged from 0.86 to 0.99 for good control versus 0.72 to 0.85 for poor control; EQ-5D VAS levels ranged from 78.9 to 87.9 for good control versus 55.3 to 64.2 for poor control. For asthma, utilities ranged from 0.84 to 0.97 for good control versus 0.73 to 0.87 for poor control; EQ-5D VAS levels ranged from 68.4 to 81.5 for good control versus 51.4 to 64.2 for poor control. Poor disease control was associated with a mean loss of 0.14 utilities for both AR and asthma. For the same control levels, AR and asthma were associated with similar utilities and EQ-5D VAS levels. However, lower values were observed for asthma plus AR compared with AR alone. CONCLUSIONS: Poor AR or asthma control are associated with reduced quality of life. The estimates obtained from mobile health data may provide valuable insights for health technology assessment studies.

Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Dados da publicação

2213-2198, 2213-2201


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Citações Recebidas na Web of Science: 3

Citações Recebidas na Scopus: 5


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Filiações mostrar / ocultar


  • Allergic rhinitis; Asthma; EQ-5D-5L; Health-related quality of life; Mobile health; Quality of life; Real-world data; Utilities

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