Equidade em saúde: um inquérito a especialistas e análise de saúde auto-percecionada.

Dados básicos

Estudo Observacional Académico (EquiSaude)
Estudo Observacional Académico (EquiSaude)
Ano de início:
Ano de conclusão:
Estudos observacionais Nacional Não Financiado Outros

Objectivos do projeto

Tipo de Estudo: Estudo Observacional – Iniciativa do Investigador; Subtipo: Outro; Fase: Cross-sectional; Natureza do Promotor: Academia – Tipo não comercial; Tipo de Centro: Multicêntrico - Doença investigada: Sem Doença – Participantes recrutados: 300;


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Unidades de investigação

Stakeholders - Promotores


Outputs do ensaio clínico

Analysis of root causes of problems affecting the quality of hospital administrative data: A systematic review and Ishikawa diagram

Carvalho, R; (...); Freitas, A.

Review. 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2021.104584. 2021

Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on the Pattern of Addiction Disorders Treated in Portuguese Addiction Intervention Services

Martins, FS, Guerra, C, Santos, JV

Meeting Abstract. 2022

Burden of disease attributable to risk factors in European countries: a scoping literature review

Gorasso, V; (...); Plass, D

Review. 10.1186/s13690-023-01119-x. 2023

  • Open Access.

Burden of infectious disease studies in Europe and the United Kingdom: a review of methodological design choices

Charalampous, P; (...); Pires, SM

Review. 10.1017/S0950268823000031. 2023

  • Open Access.

CD73 expression in normal, hyperplastic, and neoplastic thyroid: a systematic evaluation revealing CD73 overexpression as a feature of papillary carcinomas

Monteiro, I; (...); de Leval, L

Article. 10.1007/s00428-021-03100-x. 2021

  • Open Access.

Certainty of the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Modelled Prevalence Estimates for Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Meta-Epidemiological Study

Laguna, JM; (...); Hincapié, CA

Review. 10.3389/ijph.2023.1605763. 2023

  • Open Access.

Discharge status of the patient: evaluating hospital data quality with a focus on long-term and palliative care patient data

Santos, JV; (...); Freitas, A.

Article. 10.1177/18333583211054161. 2021

Global investments in pandemic preparedness and COVID-19: development assistance and domestic spending on health between 1990 and 2026

Micah, AE; (...); Dieleman, JL

Article. 10.1016/S2214-109X(23)00007-4. 2023

  • Open Access.

Government political ideology and COVID-19 public health policy responses

Santos, JV

Meeting Abstract. 2021

Indicators for local health plan monitoring and evaluation: A modified Delphi consensus

Santos, JV; (...); Pinto, M

Article. 10.1111/phn.13036. 2022

Is it the same to invest in health care or social care? A health production function study

Feldens, T, Santos, JV, Costa, E

Meeting Abstract. 2023

Long-term mental health care in Portugal: A portrait of the first years of activity

Martins, FS; (...); Santos, J.

Article. 10.1177/00207640231168026. 2023

Nationwide Access to Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Portugal

Dias, MC; (...); Lopes, JC

Article. 10.20344/amp.15031. 2022

  • Open Access.

Perceptions of Portuguese medical coders on the transition to ICD-10-CM/PCS: A national survey

Martins, FS; (...); Santos, J.

Article. 10.1177/18333583231180294. 2023

Risk factors and their contribution to population health in the European Union (EU-28) countries in 2007 and 2017

Santos, JV; (...); Freitas, A.

Article. 10.1093/eurpub/ckab145. 2021

  • Open Access.

Should we adjust health expenditure for age structure on health systems efficiency? A worldwide analysis

Santos, J.; (...); Cylus, J

Article. 10.1186/s13561-023-00421-2. 2023

  • Open Access.

The increasing significance of disease severity in a burden of disease framework

Wyper, GMA; (...); Devleesschauwer, B

Editorial Material. 10.1177/14034948211024478. 2023

  • Open Access.

The state of health in the European Union (EU-27) in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease study 2019

Santos, JV; (...); Devleesschauwer, B

Article. 10.1186/s12889-024-18529-3. 2024

  • Open Access.

Towards a Process Reference Model for Clinical Coding

Caballero, I; (...); Freitas, A

Proceedings Paper. 10.1007/978-3-031-14179-9_13. 2022

Tracking development assistance for health and for COVID-19: a review of development assistance, government, out-of-pocket, and other private spending on health for 204 countries and territories, 1990-2050

Micah, AE; (...); Dieleman, JL

Review. 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01258-7. 2021

  • Open Access.

Transition from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM/PCS in Portugal: An heterogeneous implementation with potential data implications

Santos, JV; (...); Freitas, A.

Article. 10.1177/18333583211027241. 2021

Trends and patterns of cause-specific hospitalizations in mainland Portugal between 2000 and 2016

Novo, R; (...); Santos, J.

Article. 10.1016/j.puhe.2022.03.001. 2022

Validity of the Paediatric Canadian Triage Acuity Scale in a Tertiary Hospital: An Analysis of Severity Markers' Variability

Viana, J; (...); Freitas, A.

Article. 10.1007/s10916-023-01913-8. 2023

  • Open Access.
