Portuguese recommendations for the use of biological and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis - 2020 update.

Data de publicação:

Autores da FMUP

  • Carlos Jorge Cabral Vaz


  • Acácio Agostinho Gonçalves Rodrigues


  • Carla Maria De Moura Lopes


  • José Miguel Andrade De Oliveira Bernardes


Participantes de fora da FMUP

  • Fernandes BM
  • Guimarães F
  • Almeida DE
  • Neto A
  • Tavares-Costa J
  • Ribeiro AR
  • Quintal A
  • Pereira JP
  • Silva L
  • Nóvoa TSD
  • Faustino A
  • Khmelinskii N
  • Samões B
  • Dourado E
  • Silva JL
  • Barcelos A
  • Mariz E
  • Guerra M
  • Santos MJ
  • Silvério-António M
  • Teixeira RL
  • Romão VC
  • Santos H
  • Santos-Faria D
  • Azevedo S
  • Dias JM
  • Pinto P
  • Couto M
  • Miranda LC
  • Bernardo A
  • Cruz M
  • Teixeira F
  • Mourão AF
  • Neto A
  • Teixeira V
  • Cordeiro A
  • Barreira S
  • Inês LS
  • Capela S
  • Sepriano A
  • Canhão H
  • Fonseca JE
  • Duarte C

Unidades de investigação


OBJECTIVE: To update the recommendations for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with biological and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs and tsDMARDs), endorsed by the Portuguese Society of Rheumatology (SPR). METHODS: These treatment recommendations were formulated by Portuguese rheumatologists taking into account previous recommendations, new literature evidence and consensus opinion. At a national meeting, in a virtual format, three of the ten previous recommendations were re-addressed and discussed after a more focused literature review. A first draft of the updated recommendations was elaborated by a team of SPR rheumatologists from the SPR rheumatoid arthritis study group, GEAR. The resulting document circulated among all SPR rheumatologists for discussion and input. The level of agreement with each of all the recommendations was anonymously voted online by all SPR rheumatologists. RESULTS: These recommendations cover general aspects such as shared decision, treatment objectives, systematic assessment of disease activity and burden and its registry in Reuma.pt. Consensus was also achieved regarding specific aspects such as initiation of bDMARDs and tsDMARDs, assessment of treatment response, switching and definition of persistent remission. CONCLUSION: These recommendations may be used for guidance of treatment with bDMARDs and tsDMARDs in patients with RA. As more evidence becomes available and more therapies are licensed, these recommendations will be updated.

Dados da publicação

2795-4552, 2795-4552

ARP Rheumatology  Sociedade Portuguesa Reumatologia



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